Revival Café Joins ZeroToGo

LexZeroWaste would like to thank Royal India Bistro and all the participating diners and LexZeroWaste members who helped launch our reusable takeout pilot program ZeroToGo in 2023, and who have successfully diverted over 2500 containers from incineration and landfill so far!

Along with Royal India Bistro continuing its participation in ZeroToGo this year, we are thrilled to announce that Revival Café will launch its participation at its Lexington location in late February!  We are also excited to continue our partnership with the Arlington-based container-tracking service Recirclable, LLC for this next phase of the ZeroToGo pilot program.

Please let us know if you plan to use ZeroToGo this year by registering with LexZeroWaste below. The next phase of the pilot program will continue to measure total plastic reduction as a result of reuse, so be sure to take advantage of the ZeroToGo program at both restaurants!