LexZeroWaste is pleased to announce that following the adoption by Town Meeting on April 6, 2022 of Article 27, a Zero Waste Resolution for Lexington put forth by LexZeroWaste’s Advocacy Working Group, working group Co-Chairs Hien Nguyen and Janet Kern have accepted an invitation from Director of Public Works David Pinsonneault to serve as members …
Community Art as Advocacy: Let’s Rethink Black Plastics
Did you know that black plastic is not recyclable? LexZeroWaste and the Munroe Center for the Arts are collaborating again for Earth Day 2022. We’re reprising a sculpture activity from last year that combines art and zero waste to continue to raise awareness about ubiquitous materials in our household trash that are not recyclable. This …
Zero Waste Resolution Passes!
Thank you to all those who voiced their support for the Zero Waste Resolution for Lexington. Last night, by a vote of 174-4-8 for Article 27, Lexington Town Meeting adopted the resolution, including agreeing to adopt zero waste principles and encouraging a zero waste plan! So what does this exactly mean for Lexington? Well, this …
Article 27: a Zero Waste Resolution for Lexington
Thanks to the many signers of our petition who got the Article on the warrant, our Advocacy Working Group has developed a Zero Waste Resolution that will be voted on at the 2022 Lexington Annual Town Meeting. We hope you’ll visit our newly created web page devoted to Article 27, read all about it, and …
Support for Article 17 Clean Heat at Hartwell Ave.
Here is the statement from LexZeroWaste in response to the upcoming Article 17 to be voted on at Lexington’s Special Town Meeting this month. “In line with our mission to raise awareness and take action to address the impacts of our consumption choices on the well-being of the Earth and all life on it, LexZeroWaste …