Reusable Containers soon to be available for bulk foods in Concord

Concord’s Board of Health just approved a variance to the Food Code allowing customers to use containers from home for purchasing bulk foods. This is a significant win for the world of reuse and we look forward to the possibility for this in Lexington… From Debra’s Natural Gourmet in Concord, who led the effort: “One of …

Low Waste Shopping with Cleenland on 8/24

Are you looking for a way to reduce your household plastic consumption? If so, please join Lexington Zero Waste Collaborative and Cleenland at this refill event on August 24th. All pickups will be from the tent behind the Community Center, 39 Marrett Road, Lexington, MA. Low Waste Shopping with Cleenland Tuesday, August 244:00 – 7:00pm @ …